Gilbert Scores High As A Safe Community

Town of Gilbert Is Safest Community In Arizona, According to Data According to CQ Press, an independent publisher, Gilbert is among the safest cities in the United States, 24th among cities with over 75,000. For municipalities in Arizona, Gilbert ranks as the safest community.  The analysis used crime and population data as reported to the

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Don’t Overlook This Important Part Of The Inspection Process

Performing Your Due Diligence on Phoenix Waterfront Homes You’ve found the perfect waterfront home in your favorite lake community.  Your offer has been accepted and now the 10 day inspection period begins. There are resources to assist you. The Arizona Department of Real Estate has published the  Buyer Advisory to help buyers understand the documents

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Living Near Phoenix Lakes – Lake Pleasant

Lake Pleasant – The Largest Phoenix Area Lake Water sport enthusiasts,campers and fisherman that live above the 101 freeway in Peoria, Glendale, Ph0enix, Cave Creek, and Anthem will count themselves lucky with their 15 mile or less commute to Lake Pleasant.  They are conveniently located near the largest lake in the Greater Phoenix area that

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Ocotillo Lakes Behind The Scenes

Have You Ever Wondered About Those Ocotillo Lakes? Ocotillo neighborhoods  in Chandler are known for their lakes and waterways  but do you  know what goes on behind the scenes to keep the lakes functioning? The picture to the right is one of 15 pumping stations that keep the water recirculating,  moving from lake to lake, and

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Arizona Science Center Is For Families!

A Constantly Changing Educational Forum Phoenix area residents are fortunate to have a facility such as  the Arizona Science Center. The icing on the cake is the proximity to the light rail transit station.   Myself, my wife and my son and his friend parked at the Sycamore & Main park and ride in Mesa and

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Why Post Tension Slabs Are Used In Phoenix

Post Tension Slabs  reduce settling issues This giant checker board is actually the “guts” of an unbonded post tension slab. Post tension slabs are used to create a monolithic slab that is stronger than the typical slab and foundation that is poured in stages.  Post tension slabs are used in many parts of the country

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