Market Reports & Trends

What Happened in 2023? Phoenix Market

Let’s sit back and take a look at what happened in 2023 in the Phoenix real estate market. There was a lot going on! Prices bottomed out at the beginning of 2023. Speculation on what the Federal Reserve was going to do was a daily discussion. Pundits were obliged to opine on what this would do to inflation and interest rates. Like I said, what a year!! And the big question, what did all of this do to prices and home sales. Buck up because that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss.

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Phoenix Real Estate Market Update

What happened in real estate this year? This year has been like the last couple of years in the Phoenix real estate market, loaded with change.  That’s the only constant.  We need to look at the 2023 Phoenix real estate market update YTD.  In particular, we are dealing with the effects of higher mortgage interest

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2022 Real Estate Market Review

2022 Phoenix Real Estate Market Update The Phoenix real estate market in 2022 was quite a ride! Appreciation in the first half of the year was followed by falling prices in the last 6 months. The result was that prices at the end of the year were roughly where they began at the first of

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2022 Phoenix Market Review for 1st Half

How’s the Phoenix Real Estate Market started off in 2022? Has the trend of multiple offers within 48 hours waiving appraisals and inspections continued through the first half of 2022? What has the increase in interest rates done to buyer demand in the Phoenix real estate market?  And has this affected home sale prices throughout

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2022 Real Estate Forecast & 2021 Review

Phoenix 2022 Outlook & 2021 Real Estate Review What a year 2021 turned out to be!  And now our focus turns to 2022 and what changes we’ll see in the Phoenix real estate market.  Predictions are always difficult but identifying the underlying driving factors is a good place to start.  Let’s review what happened in

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2021 Housing Update and Prediction

Housing Market Review and Predictions We are now entering the post pandemic real estate market and there is a mountain of speculation what it will look like.  The word “crash” is used frequently as well as “bubble”.   As the economy returns to as normal as it can under the current economic and government policy, buyers

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2020 Market Review & 2021 Forecast

2020 Phoenix Real Estate Market Review & 2021 Forecast On to another year that will see a change for the better in regards to COVID19!  With herd immunity and vaccinations rolling out,  there is reason for optimism. How did the Phoenix real estate market fare in 2020?  And what can we expect for 2021 with

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2020 Real Estate Market Update Phoenix

Phoenix  Real  Estate  Market  Update  – First  Half  2020 Who could have predicted such a crazy six months as we’ve seen in the first half of 2020.  COVID-19 has made everyone sit back and wonder if there is any normalcy left in the world.  The pandemic and the associated events have left many wondering how

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Coronavirus and Phoenix Real Estate

Has the coronavirus or COVID-19 put the real estate market in the ICU? The coronavirus or COVID-19 has taken everyone by surprise and the effects of this pandemic will not be totally understood for months or years to come. However, we can see the effects of this virus on Phoenix real estate in the past

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2019 Real Estate Market Update

Understanding the 2020 Phoenix Real Estate Market We’re now entering a new decade and putting behind us another year. Every year there are predictions about what is happening in the Phoenix real estate market. Continuing price increases, inventory trends, cash investors displacing first time home buyers, foreclosures creeping up again. These are just some of

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