Boat Friendly Lake Communities

Unique Phoenix Real Estate – Waterfront

Most Unique Phoenix Real Estate Waterfront or lakeside living is a hidden gem in the Phoenix area representing a very unique type of real estate for a desert environment.   It represents less than 1% of the residential homes in the area and often overlooked by many potential buyers.  Waterfront property can be categorized as waterview

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Best Residential Boating Communities

Boat Friendly Lake Communities in Phoenix Some potential home owners want to look at something besides a block wall when they’re in their backyard. That’s where waterfront properties in Phoenix residential boating communities become very appealing.  Then there are those that ask, “Does this lake allow boating?” This leads to another set of questions. For

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Arrowhead Lakes Waterfront Community

Boat Friendly Arrowhead Lakes Waterfront Community If you’re looking for a community where over 70% of the homes are waterfront, Arrowhead Lakes in Glendale is a perfect match. It is also located close to the 101 freeway, offering good access to the west valley and Phoenix. A quick drive through the neighborhood will show just

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Best residential boating lakes in Phoenix

Boating on Phoenix Residential Lakes A common question I receive about waterfront property is,”Can I boat on the lake?”   Many waterfront owners want to use a pontoon boat or a kayak and enjoy boating from a dock in their backyard in the desert!  Some may not. A previous post discussed how to determine if a

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