Santan Lakeside Estates in Gilbert – Waterski Lake Community

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There’s a waterski lake in my backyard!

You’ll never see it as you’re driving on Riggs Road. There’s a gate and some attractive landscaping that is common to many custom home subdivisions in south Gilbert. What you many not know is that it hides a 13 acre waterski lake where 20 owners enjoy a slalom waterski course year round and enthusiats gather for regional waterski competition on the 2,200 ft. long lake known as Santan Lakeside Estates.

Most expensive luxury waterfront homes in Gilbert

As of this writing, the two most expensive homes for sale in Gilbert are listed in Santan Lakeside Estates, each with over 6,000 sq.ft. of living area. The asking prices are $2,800,000 and $2,995,000.  Privacy and a private ski lake do come at a price and the monthly HOA is $550 /month.

Waterski competition events held at Santan Lakeside Estates

Timing is everything. One day I was driving on Riggs Rd. and noticed a banner advertising a competition in the subdivision, so I pulled in and was lucky again upon realizing I had my camera, which is becoming a standard piece of equipment.  So you can get an idea of what goes on behind closed gates.

San tan Lakeside Estates is truly a welcome anomaly in the desert and understandably surprising to many that Phoenix has waterski lakes that provide year round enjoyment for those with a passion for waterskiing.  A word of caution, it is not deep enough to hydrofoil.  For additional information and pictures regarding this unique jewel in the desert, please e-mail or call me.

Santan Lakeside Homes for Sale

Satellite view of Santan lakeside estates

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