Ocotillo Lakes Behind The Scenes

Table of Contents

Pumping Station at Ocotillo LakesHave You Ever Wondered About Those Ocotillo Lakes?

Ocotillo neighborhoods  in Chandler are known for their lakes and waterways  but do you  know what goes on behind the scenes to keep the lakes functioning? The picture to the right is one of 15 pumping stations that keep the water recirculating,  moving from lake to lake, and irrigating over 1,900 acres.  But where does the water come from? How many gallons per day are used to  irrigate and maintain the Ocotillo Community?  What keeps the water from seeping into the ground beneath the lakes?  What species of fish are stocked in the lakes and what purpose do they serve?  Unless you know the answer to these questions, then maybe you should click the “Read the rest of this entry” button that follows.

Ocotillo Community Association – The Largest Reclaimed Water Consumer In The Southwest

Ocotillo Lakes Water FountainThe Ocotillo  Community Association is the largest user of reclaimed water in the southwest creating 167 acres of lakes and over 17 miles of shoreline.   During the winter when usage is at its lowest, 2 million gallons per day are used to irrigate the community landscaping.  During the summer, when evaporation is high and watering needs increase, the usage can climb to as high as 8 million gallons per day. The water is supplied by the  nearby City of Chandler Water Reclamation Facility.

Satellite view of Ocotillo Lakes

The lakes in the Ocotillo community have a maximum depth of 10 – 12 Ocotillo Lakes Fountainfeet.  A  concrete shore or lining surrounds the lakes and extends approximately three feet into the water.  The lakes have a rubber lining on the bottom which help to eliminate seepage and water loss.  Many people also believe that the Ocotillo Community Association only includes residential subdivisions.  The attached map shows the boundaries which includes the  Ocotillo Golf Resort, apartments, businesses, office sites, retail as well as residential neighborhoods.  The Ocotillo Lakes area has great proximity to many nearby amenities.

A Balanced Eco-System

Ocotillo Waterfront HomeThe lake system utilizes specific breeds of fish to control insects and algae. Israeli carp are used to control grass and algae, Tilapia assist with algae control and also provide water fowl a source of food.  Goldfish help control mosquitos, while catfish eat dead fish carcuss and are popular among fishermen.   The many fountains throughout the lake commuity aerate the water adding oxygen which is necessary for fish to survive.

Ocotillo Lakes Waterfront Homes for Sale

The curb appeal of Ocotillo is due in large part to the lakes and   waterways  that are supported by the systems, equipment and 6 full time personnel working behind the scenes largely unnoticed.

Ocotillo Waterfront Homes and Real Estate for Sale

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Feel free to also visit the Phoenix Waterfront Properties Ocotillo Lakes Homes for Sale.

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