Avondale Waterfront Properties and Lake Communities

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Crystal Gardens and Garden Lakes in Avondale

Some of the most affordable lakefront homes in the Phoenix area are found in the Avondale lake communities of Crystal Gardens and Garden Lakes.  Even though they are adjacent to each other, they are very different. The lake of Crystal Gardens is actually an ecosystem wetland project consisting of 72 acres that recharge SRP and CAP water into underground aquifers. Garden Lakes is the more mature and traditional lake community with 2 lakes totalling 37 acres with the majority of homes being built during 1987 – 1993, while Crystal Gardens homes were built during 1999 – 2002.  Crystal Gardens does not allow boats while Garden Lakes does.

Avondale Waterfront Homes for Sale

Avondale Lake Communities

Garden Lakes provides 3 1/2 miles of waterfront shore line between the two lakes.  The two lakes are stocked with bass, catfish, blue gill, crappie and white Amur. Pontoon and electric boats are permitted on the lake.

Crystal Gardens lakes consist of twenty-one  separate lakes or “cells” cover 72 acres with the purpose of creating aquatic wildlife habitat and a water purification system.   Water from the Salt River Project(SRP) and Central Arizona Project(CAP) is treated naturally as it flows through the cells to remove nitrates and phosphates before being recharged back into underground aquifers.  On an average day, 4.5 million gallons of  water flow through the system.

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Crystal Gardens Waterfront Homes for Sale

Garden Lakes Waterfront Homes for Sale

Garden Lakes Community Homes For Sale

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Avondale Lakefront Homes for Sale


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