Gilbert LDS Temple announces open house dates

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Gilbert Temple under constructionMormon  temple open house dates set for early  2014

Almost 5 years after its announcement in April 2008, the Gilbert LDS Temple will be dedicated on March 2, 2014.  Prior to the dedication, a public open house be held from January 18th – February 15th, 2014(excluding Sundays).        Photo credit: DuseyPhoto


 Mormon Temples in Arizona

Gilbert TempleThe Gilbert Mormon Temple, 85,000 sq.ft., is the largest LDS temple built during the last 17 years, and will be the tallest building in Gilbert with the spire reaching 195 feet. By comparison, the Mesa LDS Temple has 113,900 sq.ft. and was dedicated  in October 1927.  Instead of a formal open house, tours were offered during the last two years of construction of the Mesa Arizona Temple to any interested visitors.  The Gilbert Temple will be the fourth operating temple in Arizona with the Phoenix Arizona Temple, located on Pinnacle Peak Road,  scheduled to be completed and dedicated during 2014.  A similar open house event will be scheduled. In October 2012, the Tucson Arizona Temple was announced.  No ground breaking date has been set. For more information, feel free to visit the website regarding LDS Temples, or About TemplesVideo invitation to Temple open house.

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