Dawn Lake in Sun City – Active Adult Waterfront Community

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Sun City Waterfront at Dawn Lake

Sun City offers a retirement community that surrounds a 37 acre boat friendly lake known as  Dawn Lake with 2 miles of shoreline.  These waterfront properties are comprised of single family and gemini or twin homes.

Active adult waterfront community in Sun City – Dawn Lake

Dawn Lake was built in the early 1970’s and is one of the original lake communities in the Phoenix area and allows fishing and boating.

Dawn Lake Waterfront Homes

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Boating is allowed by owners and tenants and the max boat speed is 5 miles per hour. Fishing is also allowed while catch and release is recommended.Ventana Lakes Walking Paths one of many amenities such as community pools in Sun City and Peoria

Dawn Lake is supplied by well water which makes the lake suitable for swimming.  This is a unique feature in that usually only water ski lakes allow swimming so Dawn Lake is the only non-water ski community lake that allows swimming in the valley. Dawn Lake waterfront property includes over 100 single family homes and over 30 duplexes. Many waterfront homes boast 70 – 80 feet of shoreline on wide lots.

A sister community lake to the west of Dawn Lake is Viewpoint Lake, also a 55+ community which also allows boating but not swimming.

Viewpoint Lake Waterfront Homes

Approximately 4 miles to the north is Ventana Lakes, a retirement 55+ lake community and waterfront homes with a recently remodeled community center.

Ventana Lakes Waterfront Homes

Sun City retirement waterfront homes for sale

Sun City offers options for waterfront home enthusiasts that are looking for retirement communities. Feel free to reach out to me or receive waterfront homes automatically.

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