Phoenix Az Water Ski Lakes and Water Quality

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Water Ski Lake Water Quality Level in Gilbert Az Ski Lake Communities

View of both lake Lakeside ski villagePhoenix area water ski homes and communities are attractive and unique because they offer residents an opportunity to enjoy water skiing and wakeboarding in their own backyard.  When buyers are considering water ski homes for sale, they should understand the added cost and maintenance involved with maintaining a ski lake since it has to operate at a higher “full body contact” level.  The maintenance and upkeep of the lake are extremely important and any neglect could cause health problems for those that use the lake.  This ongoing task will  most likely be contracted out to a company that specializes in monitoring and maintaining urban lakes including ski lakes.

Ongoing maintenance and testing for water ski lakesSantan Pool and Lake

County Health Department standards require  weekly testing of ski lakes. Two important measurements  are the PH level and bacteria count. The PH level must fall between 6.5  and 9.0.  Bacteria count must not exceed 256/ 100 c.c.’s .    These correspond to state requirements for surface water that you would find in any lake or reservoir.  Ski lakes also have an advantage in that the water they use is well water or surface water instead of reclaimed water which is common to most residential lakes in Phoenix.

Smooth skiing at LakesideAn often overlooked tool in maintaining the ecological balance in lakes is the use of  fish which is preferable to the use of chemicals.  In this case they are considered utility fish since they serve a specific utilitarian purpose instead of  sport fishing.  For example, Goldfish eat the larva that produce gnats and insects.  And White Amur eat weeds at the bottom of a lake.   Dyes are occasionally used in lakes to limit the sun and light penetration and therefore reduce  algae growth.

For more information on Phoenix area or Gilbert Az slalom waterski and wakeboard  lakes, please contact me or if you’d like to receive available homes for sale automatically, click on  homes in az water ski lake homes for sale, or call me directly.  Many thanks go out to Rick Amalfi at Aquatic Consulting and Testing for educating me on the details of water ski lake maintenance.

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