Downtown Historic Gilbert: The Heritage District

Table of Contents

Historic Downtown Gilbert

The Heritage District encompasses 0.3 square miles (192 acres) of downtown Gilbert. The vision for the downtown Heritage District is a family-friendly, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development.  This is supported by the Redevelopment Plan and the Heritage District Design Guidelines. Here’s a look at what has happened in downtown Gilbert.


The Heritage District in Pictures

Water Tower Plaza is ideally located across from the Hale Centre Theatre and provides a perfect gathering place before or after a play.  The water feature that looks even more inviting in the summer is right below the iconic Gilbert water tower.  You’ll also find a 19,000 lb. granite ball that floats on a thin layer of water.






Downtown Restaurants

Downtown Gilbert is home to many popular restaurants.  Joe’s Real Barbeque, Oregano’s, Romeo’s Euro Cafe,  Farmhouse Restaurant, and Liberty Market are some of the more well known.










Steel Dreamz on Gilbert road  is a step back in time allowing patrons to appreciate cars from past decades for anyone looking for collector car sales.







On the northern boundary of The Heritage District is the intersection of Gilbert Road and the Western Trail that connects with the McQueen District Park to the west and The Riparian Preserve to the east.   Gilbert is fortunate to offer various trails along canals for runners, bikers, joggers and walkers.

Historic Downtown Gilbert is definitely worth getting acquainted with and offers patrons the opportunity to appreciate Gilbert’s heritage when it was known as the “Hay Capital of the World”, until the late 1920’s.

Make sure and leave your comments on your experience in historic downtown Gilbert.



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